Neo-Geo (MVS)
ROM Required: kof2k2nd,The King of Fighters 2002
Note: kof2k2nd mean decrypted (google it)
-You don't need cache for these ROM but you must have kof2k2nd cache and rom

How to play:
Step 1. Download these Emulator MVSPSP 2.3.5
Step 2. Find kof2k2nd (The King of Fighters 2002)
Step 3. Once you have The King of Fighters 2002 (decrypted) copy and paste to ROMS Folder
Step 4. Download these BIOS and copy and paste it to ROM
- Note these BIOS are unofficial if you want the official BIOS (google is your friend)

Creating a cache file:
Step 1. Double click on romcvn_mvs
Step 2. Select your wait for a few a sec to finish converting a cache.
Step 3. Copy the cache folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/MVSPSP/ (if you already have cache folder just overwrite it)

The King of Fighters Super Magic Plus 2
Note: recommend when you want to play the Debug BOIS

Adding the ROM Hacks:
Step 1. Open any text editor
Step 2. Go to FILE -> OPEN... then select the rominfo.mvs and zipname.mvs
Step 3. Copy and paste these code to rominfo.mvs
FILENAME( mp2sp, kof2k2nd, 0, 0, 38, 0 )
 REGION( 0x500000, CPU1, 0 )
 ROM( 0, k2k2mp2sp-p1.bin, 0x000000, 0x100000, 0xeba68160)
 ROM( 0, 265-p2n.bin, 0x100000, 0x400000, 0x432fdf53)

 REGION( 0x20000, GFX2, 0 )
 ROM( 0, kf2k2_s1.rom, 0x00000, 0x20000, 0xe0eaaba3 )

 REGION( 0x30000, CPU2, 0 )
 ROM( 0, 265-m1d.bin, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0xf80eb346 )

 ROM( 0, 265-v1d.bin, 0x000000, 0x400000, 0x13d98607 )
 ROM( 0, 265-v2d.bin, 0x400000, 0x400000, 0x9cf74677 )
 ROM( 0, 265-v3d.bin, 0x800000, 0x400000, 0x8e9448b5 )
 ROM( 0, 265-v4d.bin, 0xc00000, 0x400000, 0x067271b5 )

 REGION( 0x4000000, GFX3, 0 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c1.rom, 0x0000000, 0x800000, 0x7efa6ef7, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c2.rom, 0x0000001, 0x800000, 0xaa82948b, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c3.rom, 0x1000000, 0x800000, 0x959fad0b, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c4.rom, 0x1000001, 0x800000, 0xEFE6A468, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c5.rom, 0x2000000, 0x800000, 0x74BBA7C6, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c6.rom, 0x2000001, 0x800000, 0xE20D2216, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, k2k2mp2sp-c7.bin, 0x3000000, 0x800000, 0xb4c87865, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, k2k2mp2sp-c8.bin, 0x3000001, 0x800000, 0x74c10cb6, 1, 1 )
Step 4. Copy and paste these code to zipname.mvs
mp2sp,The King of Fighters Super Magic Plus 2

The King of Fighters Super Magic Plus 3
Note: Recommend not to play it on Debug BIOS it's kinda buggy

Adding the ROM Hacks:
Step 1. Open any text editor
Step 2. Go to FILE -> OPEN... then select the rominfo.mvs and zipname.mvs
Step 3. Copy and paste these code to rominfo.mvs
FILENAME( mp3sp, kof2k2nd, 0, 0, 38, 0 )
 REGION( 0x500000, CPU1, 0 )
 ROM( 0, kf2k2mp3-p1.rom, 0x000000, 0x100000, 0x0cdbe99c)
 ROM( 0, kf2k2mp3-p2.rom, 0x100000, 0x400000, 0xde6ffd21)

 REGION( 0x20000, GFX2, 0 )
 ROM( 0, kf2k2mp3-s1.rom, 0x00000, 0x20000, 0x4d0c4e77 )

 REGION( 0x30000, CPU2, 0 )
 ROM( 0, 265-m1d.bin, 0x10000, 0x20000, 0xf80eb346 )

 ROM( 0, 265-v1d.bin, 0x000000, 0x400000, 0x13d98607 )
 ROM( 0, 265-v2d.bin, 0x400000, 0x400000, 0x9cf74677 )
 ROM( 0, 265-v3d.bin, 0x800000, 0x400000, 0x8e9448b5 )
 ROM( 0, 265-v4d.bin, 0xc00000, 0x400000, 0x067271b5 )

 REGION( 0x4000000, GFX3, 0 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c1.rom, 0x0000000, 0x800000, 0xc1a21b4c, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c2.rom, 0x0000001, 0x800000, 0x9b3d7e8d, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c3.rom, 0x1000000, 0x800000, 0xe5074eea, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c4.rom, 0x1000001, 0x800000, 0xf6eb1ff2, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c5.rom, 0x2000000, 0x800000, 0x74BBA7C6, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c6.rom, 0x2000001, 0x800000, 0xE20D2216, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c7.rom, 0x3000000, 0x800000, 0x0e9f6adb, 1, 1 )
 ROMX( 0, kf2k2_c8.rom, 0x3000001, 0x800000, 0x9961799e, 1, 1 )
Step 4. Copy and paste these code to zipname.mvs
mp3sp,The King of Fighters Super Magic Plus 3


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